Thursday, February 19, 2009

What's new with the Stopniks in North Carolina?

Britton and I had a great Birthday treat...SNOW! It didn't compare to a Colorado snow, but it was still very fun!

1. Jude is crawling...and he is fast! He also pulls himself up on everything. I doubt he will be walking by March 10th, but you never know with this wild one.

2. Brooke lost one of her front teeth and she now fits in a little better here in North Carolina. ;) And she loves to read. She read 60 pages in one sitting...

3. Britton turned 4 and can now officially chew gum! He is "King of the Legos" and he is apparently dominating in Kickball at preschool.

4. Kelley turned 30! I got a bike for my birthday (Thanks Mom, Dad and Blair) and I am now a bike riding fool...

5. Blair is happy that he is not 30 yet, but gets to make fun of me until October 11th!


Becky said...

1 Nice thumbs up
2 your kids are rad.
3 i think we have the same carpet -- at least it is the same color

nicole aka gidget said...

love that gum rule. And I love your new blog design too! About time, considering your profession! ;)

Anonymous said...

Love the updates! I never realized I would actually like snow until I got here so I can understand your excitement.