Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Our trip to the new Charlotte IKEA

We have been waiting for months for this IKEA to open. It is like a little piece of California in North Carolina for us! So, we ventured out in the rain on the opening night of IKEA Charlotte! It was AWESOME!

Very typical IKEA. Extremely huge!

Really... I just noticed that the rest of the pics are all from the food court... That has to say something about us but I'm not sure what?

The food court experience starts with grabbing a very cool and IKEA'Like food cart.

Next you grab a few awesome looking dishes including some sick looking desserts.

Even Jude had a selection of "exotic" Swedish baby foods

Then you order from the large picture menus.

Then you eat in their sweet dining area!

I got the Swedish Meatballs, home made mashed potatoes and chocolate cake... Mmmm...

They even had a baby station with a microwave, bottle warmer, baby spoons and IKEA bibs!

Jude and Brooke approve!


Anonymous said...

Wow it looks like a high tech IKEA